Yesterday, while observing my Madagascar Hissing Cockroach, I saw a little bug on him. My first thought was...if this thing is having babies, my roommates are going to kick me out for sure. I mean the last thing I want is an apartment full of baby cockraockes...yuck! Anyway, my friend Allison did some research(you know Wikipedia and other reliable sources) and found that it may in fact have asexually reproduced. Gerald had become a mother. And it all happened while Allison and I had gone to lunch.
I wanted to get a second opinion, so I called my professor. She laughed and told me Gerald definitely did not asexually reproduce.(I have this cockroach for her class) He probably just had a mite....which is also disgusting...but no big deal. All I had to do was give Gerald a little rinse-a-roo under the faucet and he would be good to go. Well bummer for Gerald, because there is no way I am giving a cockroach a bath.
Anyway, moral of the story:
a. do not trust everything you read on the internet
b. cockroaches definitely do not asexually reproduce